
Our new, modern 12,000 square foot facility is located in Frankfort, NY, strategically situated near NYS Route 5S. Precision Polish is located just minutes from the NYS Thruway. If you need directions or have any questions regarding our buffing or polishing process capabilities, please contact us by email, laura@precisionpolish.com or call direct at (315) 894-3792.


Laura Camardello

Precision Polish, LLC is owned & operated by Laura Camardello, President. Founded in 1995, Precision Polish is a recognized industry leader that is dedicated to providing the best craftsmanship in metal surface conditioning, metal finishing, polishing and buffing.


About Us

The management and staff of Precision Polish maintains a personal commitment to high-quality standards with achieving on-time deliveries. Precision Polish works to your schedule and budget to satisfy your needs to become more cost effective in today’s competitive market.

Who We Are

Precision Polish is a job shop that will polish, buff or condition your metal components to the requirements you need.

Precision performs work on components such as turbine blades, vanes and airfoils where critical dimensions are held to very tight tolerances. We also buff or polish medical components, automotive, boat hardware, metal furniture, power generation components, firearm, motorcycle components or other metal items.


What We Do

We can perform work on any metals ranging from soft aluminum, copper, bronze and brass to the harder aerospace materials including stainless steel, titanium and more complex nickel/cobalt alloys.

Precision will work to process dimensional stock removal using contour guillotine gauging and other conventional measuring devices. We can prepare your metal items prior to plating for the desired finish you require. Finishes can range from cast layer removal, satin finish or to a highly polished mirror finish. There are also bead or sand blast capabilities if needed.


 144 Adams St., Frankfort, NY 13340 • Ph: (315) 894-3792 • Fax (315) 894-8723 • Email: laura@precisionpolish.com